Women and Religious Media Work... Between Reality and Challenges

Document Type : Original Article


عميد كلية الإعلام جامعة الأزهر


The study aims to shed light on the experience of female preachers in spreading religious and cultural awareness, and the elements of their success in carrying out this role. It also reviews the most important challenges and obstacles facing female preachers in carrying out their awareness-raising role through various media outlets
The study set conditions for women to practice preaching work in the media, the most important of which are: appearing in a decent manner, especially in television programs, YouTube and TikTok channels, and other applications that rely on sound, image and video, whether recorded or live, in terms of modesty in clothing, and not to be bareheaded or reveal part of her body, because the formal appearance is an important element To deliver the message of advocacy, and consistency between words and actions is one of the most important components of the success of advocacy work in general, and women's work in particular. Also, female preachers should be well prepared and have the cognitive and scientific qualifications that are appropriate for their appearance on television screens, and the female preacher should be keen to focus on the branches of religious knowledge that she has mastered, so she does not talk about a matter that she has not delved into, and does not issue fatwas on air unless she has what qualifies her to do so in terms of knowledge and experience, so that she does not slip and issue fatwas that do not conform to the true religion. And the female preacher should be keen to avoid matters that divide rather than unite, so that her speech is not sectarian, biased, or biased towards a particular trend, or ideological, serving the interests of one group over another; rather, the goal is to spread enlightened knowledge among the masses according to the correct approach of God mentioned in the Holy Quran and Sunnah.


Main Subjects

- Surah Al Imran, Aya 104.
- Surah At-Tawbah, Aya 122.
- Surah Al-Bayyinah, Aya 5.
- Surah Al-Baqarah, Aya 44.
- Surah An-Nisa, Aya 124.
- Surah An-Nahl, Aya 97.
- Surah At-Tahrim, Aya 17, 18.
- Shams Aldiyn Aldhahabi, (2006). sayr 'aelam alnubala'i, eayishat 'umi almuminina, tahqiq Muhammad Ayman Al-Shabraw, dar alhadithi, Alqahira, j 3.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Aya 32.
- Ibn Kathir, Interpretation of the Great Qur’an, Surah Al-Ahzab, p. 422.
- Al-Qurtubi, The Compendium of the Rulings of the Qur’an, Egyptian Book House, vol. 14, p. 177.
- Surah Al-Imran, Aya 104.
- Surah Al-Ahzab, Aya 34.
- Khalaf, N. (2015), mashrueiat aleamal aldaeawii alnisayiyi fi daw' alquran alkarim walsunat alnabawiati, majalat aldirasat al'iislamiat walfikr lilbuhuth altakhasusiati,, Malizya, 2(1).
- Alrafaei, J. (2015), dawr almar'at almuslimat fi aleamal aldaewiu, altajribat al'urduniyat haqayiq watatalueati, waraqat muqadimat 'iilaa mutamar rabitat eulama' Al'urdun.